The Psalms of Mortality Page 5
other from the knowledge contained and lived in,
It seems to me that an all knowing God who commanded such would be a hypocrite.
Have you not done it,
Travelled through the spheres of darkness?
Expression through actions,
So are the ways of different spheres made to manifest,
Do you think the image and the name of your God or a Prophet,
Instead of the beliefs and ideals represented?
The number of the spheres of knowledge is infinite,
How could anyone of them be an insult against another,
As you live in your own.
Wander there freely O mortal,
Speak not against, but understand;
Who can foretell the nature the dominate spheres of distant ages?
I am free to forgive you,
So are you to free to forgive me.
You alone make the spheres of your soul strong and fierce!
Bows and blades need you not,
For the fire of your passions burn the hurtful names,
Never can they touch you so long as you are free!
The ocean deep brother of the sister intelligence,
Like a wind rushes through your mouth.
And you are no longer shy,
For you have attained the nudity of your soul to be uncovered,
Instead you say:
"Sir, I am these and these things,
Why should them be otherwise than what I am!
So be it,
Let that be a name you give to me,
But only in you is that name,
I carry only those of my own,
And even though I would be what you say,
What shame is in being also a that kind of form of human,
Instead, you have now given me the freedom to be also that what you say!”